Friday, August 30, 2013

Suprise Message August 2013 Visiting Teaching

I didn't think I would make a printable this month. I realize though as I am preparing to visit my sisters this week (the last in the month haha) I might as well post what I am using. Perhaps if you procrastinate like me you will feel happy to know now you can teach with less stress. I will be posting monthly visiting teaching message printables that will be FREE for your personal use to visit your own sisters.

Here is the August 2013 Visiting Teaching official pdf message. Print 2 per page. Cut out.

This is an XL candy bar wrap, click here to download.

How to assemble and what you need

1.  Print out message and XL Candy Bar wrap then cut them out.

  2. Place official message on back of candy bar wrap.
 3. Center message on candy bar (you can adjust after)
4. Tape it!

 5. Done.

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