So my sister Chelsea has a daughter Madison (Maddie) that is turning 8 and she want's a Nyan Cat Party. Well to my surprise there no pinterest pins, minimal free printables and no cute parties to copy or get inspired from. I found the best of the best and I'm putting them all here for you to have at your creative fingertips.
Balloons, streamers. All rainbow colors.
My printables are here. It's a pdf that is 4 pages you can choose which page to print and how much on your own.
Crafty really cute 3D Printables I found:
Cake ideas:
Order one. Ha that is the fastest way of getting something you don't have time for. Make Tye Dye cupcakes, easy fast frost them with premade frosting either light blue or navy. Buy those mini poptarts and tada it's a Nyan cat cupcake. I'm sure there are fast fun easy ways but really I can't think of any more than that.
I love Nerdy Nummies and so do my girls here is two cute ideas from her.
Nerdy Nummies Nyan Cat:
Nerdy Nummies Homemade Poptarts: